Prima Finnabair Wax Paste - Patina Green.
Prima Finnabair Wax Paste - Patina Green. السعر الأصلي هو: 249 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 149 EGP.
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Prima Finnabair Wax Paste - Rusty Brown.
Prima Finnabair Wax Paste - Rusty Brown. السعر الأصلي هو: 349 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 209 EGP.

Prima Finnabair Wax Paste – Old White.

349 EGP

Prima Finnabair Wax Paste Gorgeous, wax-based antiquing paste with a unique, matte look!

أضف 543 EGP لسلة مشترياتك و أحصل علي شحن مجاني!

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Prima Finnabair Metallique Wax, a captivating and versatile medium that adds a touch of metallic elegance to your artistic endeavors. With its lustrous and rich finish, this beeswax-based paste transforms your creations into cherished treasures, enhancing a wide range of surfaces and elements. Whether you’re engaged in mixed media art, collage, or home decor projects, the Metallique Wax opens up a realm of possibilities.

Prima Finnabair Metallique Wax Key Features:

  • Metallic Brilliance: Metallique Wax boasts a stunning, metal-like finish that adds depth and dimension to your artwork.

  • Easy Application: Apply with your fingers, sponges, or a soft cloth to achieve various effects and textures.

  • Color Enhancement: Elevate your mixed-media projects with vibrant color and exquisite finishing touches.

  • Versatile Compatibility: Suitable for use on diverse surfaces and backgrounds, Metallique Wax delivers striking results on both dark and light bases.

  • Permanence: The wax provides a long-lasting, permanent finish that won’t fade or deteriorate over time.

  • Water-Resistant: Enjoy the confidence of water-resistant properties, ensuring the durability of your creations.

  • Natural Separation: The wax may experience natural separation due to its oil-based composition. Simply mix the wax with a brush or palette knife to recombine the ingredients before use.

Prima Finnabair Metallique Wax Usage and Care Instructions:

  • Apply Metallique Wax using your preferred method – fingers, sponges, or a soft cloth.

  • Experiment with various application techniques to achieve your desired texture and appearance.

  • Enjoy the transformative effects of the wax as it imbues your projects with a luxurious metallic finish.

Prima Finnabair Metallique Wax opens the door to a realm of creativity, enabling you to infuse your artworks with captivating brilliance. Its versatility and rich color saturation make it an ideal choice for mixed media, home decor, and other artistic projects. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a crafting enthusiast, this wax empowers you to elevate your creations with a touch of timeless allure. Discover the magic of Metallique Wax and embark on a journey of artistic excellence.

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